Gionee launched the Gionee Smart Life smartwatch in India back in 2019. The Gionee Smart Life smartwatch featured a 1.3-inch IPS display, and it was priced at around Rs 2999. The brand announced three new smartwatches last year in March namely – the Gionee Watch 4, Gionee Watch 5, and the Senorita in G buddy series. Now, the company seems to be introducing few more smartwatches in the G buddy lineup in the upcoming few days. As per industry sources, Gionee is currently prepping up for the launch of three new smartwatches in the G buddy lineup in India soon. Few Specifications and live images of the upcoming Gionne G buddy smartwatch are now revealed online ahead of launch. Let’s check more details on this ahead:
Gionee G Buddy Smartwatch Live Images Leaked
If we go by the leaked images, we can see that Gionee will launch at least three smartwatches in India in the G buddy series. Out of those three smartwatches, two of them will have a circular dial, while the third one will have a rectangular display. These upcoming smartwatches are tipped to offer to call support with a built-in speaker and a microphone. According to the sources, users will be able to listen to music with built-in speakers. These upcoming G buddy smartwatches are said to come with heart rate tracking, SpO2 monitoring, menstrual cycle tracker, sleep monitor, and much more. As per the known details, the G buddy smartwatch will focus on health tracking, and it will also allow controlling music and camera functionality.
Moving onto the pricing details of the Gionee G buddy smartwatches, they are tipped to be priced at less than Rs 8000. Sources claim that Gionee will announce these smartwatches in the upcoming few days in India. The other specifications about the smartwatches like display size, software, and battery capacity details remain to be unknown currently. We should get to learn the detailed specifications, pricing, and availability information about each of the models in the G buddy series once they go official in the country.
\What are your thoughts about these upcoming Gionee G buddy smartwatches? Do let us know in the comments below.
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